Junior Counselor training FAQ'S

We have provided answers to some frequently asked questions to help assist Junior Counselors

What time does training start?

Registration begins at 9:30AM. The meeting begins at 10:00. 

What time does it end?

The meeting ends at 4:30PM.

What do I wear?

You should dress comfortable and appropriate.

What do I bring?

You will need a pen and notebook to take notes. We provide a small notebook with a few blank pages if you want to use what we provide.

Do I need money?

Training does not cost anything however, there is merchandise available for early purchase.

Do I need to bring a lunch?

We provide lunch.

Can I drive my vehicle?

You can drive yourself and park in the ball field.

Can I stay the weekend if I am working Camp 1?

If you are coming to the 2nd Junior Counselor Training, you can stay the weekend. Our Junior Counselors all stay together in the same bunkhouse. You will need money and a vehicle as the Camp Kitchen is not open during this time.